In an effort to endure the grey Portland "Spring" with cheerful attitudes, we planned another excursion to sunny Palm Springs this March. We had such a great time last year and an even better trip this year!
Much more pleasant than the Portland forecast! |
We flew out bright and EARLY on Wednesday and arrived with a full day in front of us (that's my cheerful way of 'complaining' about having to wake up at 4am).
After installing car seats in our fancy-fun minivan (not even being facetious), we picked up Grandma Lulu, changed into our shorts and sandals {
woot woot!}, and then headed over to
Armando's for lunch. Apparently, they have "famous" margaritas. Having had one now, I'm thinking all that fame is due to the fact that they are more like tequila on the rocks than an actual margarita (not that I'm complaining).
So excited to spend time with Grandma. |
After our leisurely lunch, we checked into our fabulous
resort, got settled in, and then had time for a quick dip in the pool before dinner.
Guess who woke up ready to hit the pool again?
"I've got the sunhat and I'm ready to go!" |
We were all eager for some swimming in the sun; however, before heading back to the pool, we convinced the girls that a quick expedition around the grounds to check things out and some breakfast would be a good idea.
Shorts and tank tops -- Yay! for sun. |
A short sunny walk (there may have even been some skipping) along the golf course was quite enjoyable (and the only exercise I got all week!).
A beautiful day for a stroll. |
Another crystal blue pool. |
There was a lot to look at and everywhere I turned, I saw a "photo-op."
Not everyone was as entertained with all the posing and clicking.
Geneva "having feelings" because we were not in the pool yet. |
First things, first: Breakfast.
Coloring |
Finally, pool time!
Snoogling in the sunshine. |
On our first full day in the sun {am I getting annoying with the whole SUNSHINE thing yet?}, we swam, lounged, splashed around, ate lunch, sipped drinks, read, visited, and then sipped some more...
Afterward, we were off to Street Fair in Palm Springs for a little family adventure and dinner.
Waiting for our table. |
Dinner was delicious: Mexican food again--So yummy in SoCal!
(The things you take for granted when you live in California...)
Lulu and her girls. |
We always get such a kick out of listening to Geneva speak to the restaurant staff in Spanish. She usually orders her own dinner, "Me gustaria tener 'in-shee-ladthas,' por favor." Once they hear her accent they smile and ask her something I usually only catch a portion of and then delight in her reply. Typically, our server will get a few other employees to come over and chat with her too. Sorry about the bragging {there I go being annoying again} but it's super cool.
Another warm evening on the patio with margaritas. |
There was a rockin' band (by Palm Springs restaurant standards) at the restaurant that night too.
So obviously, we needed to do some dancing!
The next day we woke up ready to hit the pool again.
Morning cartoon delay to give mom and dad time for coffee.
Please note: They are wearing their bathing suits, which they put on at 7:05am. |
Geneva broke up the afternoon with a little pottery-painting class with her new friend, Bridgette (thank goodness that ceramic sandal made it home in one piece!).
Self-Portrait |
Guess what he was looking up at?
Another afternoon in the sun (anyone sensing a theme here?) brought BIG naps later.
By the time Saturday rolled around, we needed a bit of shade (well, I probably could have enjoyed another full day in the sun, but the girls were getting a little pink-cheeked despite the GALLON of sunscreen I used).
News |
Reading and coffee on the patio.
By the way, I do not recommend this book! |
While we relaxed on the patio, the girls entertained themselves inside with dress-up, coloring and play-doh.
"Don't I look fabulous?" |
Bunny sculpture. |
Here's the difference a year makes:
Palm Springs 2010 |
Palm Springs 2011 |
Our little veterinarians. |
We followed the Museum with a fun late-lunch/early-dinner (otherwise known as "Happy Hour") at
Jackalope Ranch.
The girls were very amused by this fountain. |
Such a sad photo... |
This is the KID-SIZED sundae!
We helped her finish it. |
After lunch it was time to say goodbye to Lulu.
So sad...
"Bye-bye, Lulu. See you soon!" |
We hit the sack early in preparation for our 7am flight PLUS the time change...
We still cannot figure out how the mistake happened (margaritas and Chardonnay?) but between setting the clock forward and setting the alarm, we ended up losing TWO hours, rather than one.
Do you know when we noticed our mistake? Once we were up, dressed, had loaded the car, woken up the girls, and were heading to the airport.
It's so much easier to travel with them when they start helping! |
It was a fantastic trip:
Family time
Greg & Tammy time
Reading novels (not all of them good)
Great food and beverages
Laughing & playing
Cheers to our next adventure!