Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // NYE 2020
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Thursday, December 24, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // Christmas Eve 2020
One more sleep 'til Christmas! Happiest holiday wishes from our family to yours!
Christmas Jammies
How It Started / How It's Going
The Support and Success of Piper's Book Drive
The Return of "Hunter"
Volleyball Season
A Good Crumb
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Saturday, December 19, 2020
Homemade Giving | Rosemary Shortbread
Savory, sweet, buttery perfection:
Rosemary Shortbread is the perfect homemade holiday treat!
Rosemary Shortbread
- Heat oven to 325º. In a food processor, pulse together four, sugar, rosemary, and salt. Add butter, and honey if desired (not desired on my part), and pulse into fine crumbs. Pulse a few more times until some crumbs start to come together, but don't overprices. Dough should not be smooth.
- Press dough into an ungreased 8- or 9-inch-square baking pan or (what I find perfect) an 11 x 7 brownie pan. Bake until golden brown, 35-40 minutes for 9-inch pan, 45-50 minutes for 8-inch. (Again, I use an 11x7 brownie pan and bake for 40 minutes every time.) Transfer to a wire rack to cool. (Do this as soon as it comes out of the oven.) Cut into squares, bars, or wedges while still warm (Depending on my schedule, I waited 5-15 minutes to cut.)
Collect ingredients; finely chop fresh rosemary; add dry ingredients to the food processor and pulse to mix
Add cubed/chunked butter to the dry ingredients
Pulse in food processor to fine crumbs; pulse a few more times until crumbs start to come together; do not over-process
Turn out and press into your selected baking dish
Bake at 325º according to pan size until golden brown
Turn out onto cooling racks for about 15 minutes
While still warm, transfer to cutting board; cut into desired portions; continue to fully cool
Prepare you packaging if using as gifts; if not, DIG IN!
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Thursday, December 17, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // 12.17.20
Eight sleeps 'til Christmas... I hope you feel like you're doing enough. I'm certain you are. Cheers to these extra minutes of goodness and this week's edition of TILT.
My Grandpa's Sugar Cookies
Several weeks ago we miraculously "recovered" 2+ years of lost photos in our storage cloud. All of a sudden late-2009 through 2011 were visible in our Apple photo albums (still no sign of 2012). It has been delightful (and a complete time-suck) to go back through these pictures that I haven't seen in close to 8 years. One series of photos is from a visit to my grandparents' house in the winter of 2011. I have a few shots of my grandpa making his "famous" sugar cookies. One of them is a partial photo of his recipe, written out in his scratchy handwriting --no doubt with the oddly-shaped carpenter's pencil he always kept handy in the front pocket of his scratchy flannel shirt, just under the leather vest he wore when the weather was chilly. The picture showed the ingredient list but not the oven temperature or baking time. To my sweet delight, Geneva decided this week that she wanted to tackle the recipe and give these cookies to some of her girlfriends for Christmas. {heart melts along with the butter} After much trial and error --she crushed it!
Grandma's Coffee Dispenser
Quite in-line with the warm feelings brought on by Grandpa's Sugar Cookies, I was moved to bring Grandma's well-loved coffee dispenser up from the basement this week. I had a friend over on a wet day, and as we were meeting outside for tea, I needed something to keep the hot water hot as we visited. Surely the occasion for this has presented itself before --but for some reason, this week was the first time I recalled the device (that I've had ownership of for almost a decade). It had been carefully boxed up and was easy to clean up. I was shocked to find that by the end of the day and well into the evening, the water inside was still piping hot! As big tea sippers, our family has decided to keep the vessel on the counter this winter, always filled with hot water for an easy cup of tea. Such happiness. I doubt they "make 'em like they used to" but this is the brand in an updated look.
Mom's Fuzzy Socks
One of the things that my Dad was sure to give to my girls after my mom passed was a pair of her fuzzy socks. Mom spent most of her early mornings sipping coffee in her loud tie-dyed nightgown, colorful terrycloth robe, and a pair of funny fuzzy socks. It was a guaranteed "hit" to give her a pair for her birthday or Mother's Day. I can't tell you how much it lightens my heart to see my girls pad around the house in a pair of their grandma's beloved socks. We miss her.
New House Plants
My sweet girlfriend, Laura, via text this week: "Get your tushy to Lowe's... Epic plant shipment just arrived... Unique stuff... Philodendron Birkin." Me 30 minutes later:
"Keto" Tuscan Sausage Soup
I first saw this recipe on Pinterest. Are you on Pinterest? Care to follow me? Link HERE. In any event, I made this soup for the first time a couple months ago. Since then, I have made it nearly every week. I'm not exaggerating. Y'all already know how much I love my InstaPot (+air fryer)... I think you can make this recipe on the stovetop as well (just add extra time for simmering so the flavors meld together). I won't type out the entire recipe here... you can find the link to it here --> EatWell101. You'll need to wade through all the ads and pop-ups (which are especially bad if you're on your phone) --but it will be worth it. Just get to the "print this recipe" part of the post. Also: I always boil a pound of pasta on the side. When serving, I scoop a ladle of noodles into the bowl and then several ladles of soup on top. We sometimes add a dollop of creamy ricotta as well. It's SO good! Of course, if you are watching the carbs --it's excellent without the noodles as well. Make it! And when you do, let me know what your family thought!
Thai-Inspired Spicy Salad
This isn't so much a recipe as it is an appeal for you to try our new favorite dinner salad. It's so good that I pretend it "goes with" everything. For example, if I make it on the same night as the Tuscan Soup, then suddenly it's "International Dinner" at the Jones household. See how I did that? Anyhoo... it's just a box or bag of fresh greens, diced avocado, green onions, and crumbled goat cheese tossed with Trader Joe's Spicy Cashew Butter dressing and topped with Trader Joe's Thai Lime & Chili Cashews. So yum.
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Even tastier from Grandma's Pyrex with my MIL's vintage Gotham Hacienda servers. |
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Thursday, December 10, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // 12.10.20
Here we are again, taking a few moments to escape the harsh reality of our times and think about some small pleasures. I hope you enjoy this week's list of the Things I Love...
zoom happy hour with "professor baker"
lap warmers
camellia cream
"the amazon coat"
holiday treats
advent calendars
this makes me laugh
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