Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Hinton Wedding
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Swim Lessons
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Monday, April 20, 2009
Nature Hike
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Thursday, April 16, 2009
Things I Love Thursday
- Baby chub. Sadly, my "baby" is losing all of hers at a rapid pace! Thank you Mallory MacKinnon for sharing some of yours with me during your recent visit. This baby's thighs are divine! (She's also bigger than Piper and 10 months younger--that's a lot of lovin'!)
- Oregon sunshine (perhaps you're noticing a trend here?).
- Mornings (or afternoons, or evenings...) with Papa Mike. We miss you!
- The West Linn Library (again). Our friends emailed us Tuesday and mentioned there would be a puppet show at the library that evening. We had an early dinner, waited for Daddy to change out of his suit, then headed down to our library where we joined about 25 other kids for a great puppet show about water conservation put on by The Ladybug Theater. So fun!
- Visitors. Thank you MacKinnon Family for traveling a bit out of your way to include us in your holiday plans. My how things have changed since Matt and I were roomies!
- Goodreads. It's a website that helps you stay connected with friends and share what you've been reading. It's great for getting ideas about what to read next and seeing reviews of books you're considering. Join. Friend me. (
- Etsy. Another website. I figure in this difficult economy, if you're going to purchase something for yourself or as a gift, you might as well buy from someone who is creating the item first-hand. Etsy is just the place to shop. It's like eBay without the auctions and everything is handmade. There is a lot of beautiful artistry there. Who knows, maybe you'll see some PiperSimone personalized stationary there soon? (
- Spring. Of course, early spring in Oregon means warm coats and hats too!
- Lily Allen's new song, The Fear. (explicit lyrics in the video link)
- The prospect of starting Geneva in soccer this summer. I just signed her up for "Tiny-Hawks" yesterday. She'll start in mid-June and if she likes it, she can play all summer.
- This picture of my funny baby. She has a tiny wand in her hand and is turning me into a "vitch" (witch) in this shot.
- The fact that "witch" isn't the only word Piper pronounces with the "v" sound. She also drinks "vater," asks "vhy?," looks out the "vindow," and has an opinion about vhat I vant her to "vear" (you get the idea?). It really goes beyond the "v" substitution to the extent that we swear she's got a German accent. We've begun calling her our Little Kraut--though I worry it might be considered derogatory. I tried to find out the German word for "peach" because I think the term suits her... It's "pfirsich" according to the dictionary I checked online. Unfortunately, I have no clue where to start with that pronunciation... so for now, she is the "Little Kraut" (no offense).
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Monday, April 13, 2009
"Happy Birthday Easter Bunny"

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A Very Close Call
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Thursday, April 9, 2009
Things I Love Thursday
- The warmer weather we've been enjoying this last week.
- $3 rubber sandals. Seriously... I think I used to live in these year-round. Then we moved to rainy Oregon and I gave them up for the winter... They landed back on my feel this last week and I was blissful over their comfort and simple "style" (not) with jeans and a t-shirt. Yeah, that's how I roll. (Really? I just typed that?)
- The amazing picture Geneva just happened to draw in school last week--just in time to be framed for Daddy's birthday. It's called "Me and Daddy."
- The new book I'm reading for our neighborhood book club: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. LOVE it (so far).
- The way the girls have been playing together peacefully in proportion to the time spent fighting. I think we're nearing the cusp where the peacefulness might outweigh the torment? Maybe...
- These simple correspondence cards I made for G for his birthday:
- Digital Video Recording (?) machines. There's nothing like watching the American Idol 60 minute, weekly "Results" show in 7 minutes! Priceless. It's great to fast-forward through "the other three judges" and many of the performances as well, during the "Performance" shows too!
- Our "extended" neighborhood of Fields Park I just across the street and the annual Easter Egg Hunt hosted by the Weller-Joneses. Such fun and kiddos coming out of your ears! Wow. Fields Park is prolific!
- The first sip off a fresh-cracked can of cold Diet Coke--or Coors Light! Mr. Jones is a real prince to give up his first sip of beer nearly every time I'm standing nearby. I don't even want my own... just the first sip of his.
- Sharing:
- Natasha Bedingfield. More specifically, the fact that she recorded a song with a "vocabulary word" in it: transitory (ha! I love it!). Check out Soulmate.
- Papa Mike (Greg's dad) doing one of his childhood puzzles with Avery:
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Friday, April 3, 2009
Our Very Silly Bug
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009
What We've Been Up To... Wednesday
- Grandma Lulu breezed in for a little visit and is off again on another adventure.
- We've been spending great time with our neighborhood friends: drinks, dinners, driveway shenanigans...
- Spring Break had Geneva home from school for the week and we spent some great days having "Mommy Adventures" at the library, park and indoor playground (at Burger King--I know! But it's REALLY big, clean and fun for the little ones too! Ya' gotta get creative with all this rain...)
- Our friends Lisa and Will with baby Emery and our other friends Andy, Erin and baby Wesley "The Wez" joined us for a Sunday dinner party. We had a great time! Good food (yes, I do say so myself) and terrific company--not much better than that!
- We enjoyed an Ice Cream Social at Geneva's preschool:
- I had a bit of a scare when my optometrist found a "freckle" on my retina. During my follow up appointment with the retinal specialist I found out everything is A-OK. Nothing abnormal going on. I'll need to keep an "eye" on it (pun TOTALLY intended) from now on during annual checkups. Phew!
- Having loved the Twilight series, I decided to read a different vampire (vampyre) series. P.C. Cast's The House of Night books. They were not nearly as engrossing, but easy to get through and entertaining too (for the most part). I'm finishing book 5 and in some ways am really glad there are no more out yet.
- Speaking of books, I started a neighborhood book club. Our first book was Water for Elephants. We had our meeting last week at a new neighborhood restaurant and it was great! During a delicious dinner and a few bottles of wine, we even managed to discuss the book a little bit.
- Avery is getting super big. I can do this with her hair now:
- Geneva's into dressing herself and doing her own hair these days. I would love to have some pictures to show you of some of the "looks" she comes up with but I don't want to take a photo for fear she may think I'm a big fan. Of course, I'm only kind of kidding.
- Greg hurt his shoulder. He finally managed to get to the doctor's office this week. It's an Acromioclavicular ("AC") joint separation. It's not serious. If he can grit through the pain, he'll even be able to golf tomorrow for his birthday. In less than 25% of cases, does surgery become necessary. He's seeing a physical therapist and working out a modified weight-lifting program so I can still enjoy his physique despite the "hiccup" in his physical heath (wink).
- As many of you know, not only do I dislike (immensely) anything that resembles house cleaning--I'm also not very good at it either. As a result, I've adopted a new method for polishing the wood floors:
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