Friday, July 21, 2017

Random Post Explanation

First and foremost, thank you for subscribing to Sourjones! It's been a long time since I've paid any attention to my sweet little blog space and I'm currently working to give her some love in the form of an updated look and better functionality. 

In the process, there have been a few snafus. I apologize for the random posts that may be sprinkling into your inbox. (Though, I do hope you try the Cucumber Salad and I did LOVE being reminded of that picture of G with my dad in Oregon from 3 years ago...)

While I finish getting things situated on my end, here's a simple summertime pleasure I feel compelled to share: If you get the chance to experience fresh Rosemary anytime soon --embrace it. Literally. Squeeze a little between your fingers and enjoy the amazing scent. The slight stickiness will be worth the sniff. It's lovely! I know it might sound silly and maybe it's just me but, cutting these stems for a project this morning, brought me honest (sentimental?) enjoyment. Now I just need to find some good rosemary recipes... maybe I'll slip a little into our Bourbon cocktails this evening. ;)

This post may contain affiliate links and I may make a HUGE commission (j/k it's literally pennies) when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. You should know (and I'm legally required to tell you) that as an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel free to make me RICH. lol ;)

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