We were so thrilled to have our friends the Cainey's back this year for another Oregon visit. There were here last year for Geneva's 3rd birthday in July and we had a great time--like we always do when we're with them. This trip was no exception.
They arrived Thursday evening and we had a nice big dinner, got the kids to bed, and stayed up too late visiting and catching up. Friday morning the Daddies went golfing and we met Rachelle's brother, sister-in-law, and nephew at the Portland Children's Museum (one of our favorite places--as you know). The kids had a blast:
Cole is 15 months and such a "lover!" Here he is hugging one of the "Bob the Builder" characters at the museum. Too sweet!
Kiki and Neva cooperated on building a structure together.
Here's Piper with Cole and Rachelle... While there is air blowing from the hole she's leaning over, her hair just happens to stick out like that anyway!
See (her hair)?
Here she is "shopping" at the market exhibit.
Cole was wondering what to do with the grease crayons at the "face painting" station...
...his sister and Piper showed him the ropes.
Unfortunately, Geneva is really thorough when it comes to face-painting and her sister is getting the hang of it too!
Cole had some fun splashing around too.
After a quick lunch we packed up the troops and headed home for nap-time; the Daddies, home from golf, took over; and Rachelle and I headed to Bridgeport for a few drinks, appetizers, and a bit of shopping in the sunshine.
We rounded out the night with a neighborhood "happy hour" in our driveway, a visit to "Five Guys" and lots of talking and laughing.
The Cainey's were off in the morning to meet some of Rachelle's family at the Zoo and then to a bbq at her Gram's ranch in McMinnville. We stayed home and participated in the "Field's Park Annual Garage Sale" where traffic was light--but we made enough money and got rid of enough stuff that it was worth our while.
We finished out Saturday with a "Neighborhood Night Out." The Dubins, Cervenaks, and Joneses got babysitters and met at Tucci's for dinner... um... YUM!
Today is Sunday. The girls hit the park with Greg this morning while I finished my book and sipped my coffee. We all went over to Target where Geneva (who earned her 6 stars this week) got to choose a lip gloss. Then it was over to Home Depot for some more gardening soil, tomato cages, and sweet basil starts.
It's 2:30pm.
The girls are napping.
Greg is golfing.
I have planted:
three tomato varieties, yellow crookneck, zucchini, summer squash, two red bell pepper plants, cucumber, lettuces, and added the basil to the herb garden that has returned from last year. The A/C is running because this Oregon day is sunny and hot.
I am sipping a chilled glass of Sauvignon Blanc.
Does it get any better?
Your Sunday afternoon sounded devinely PERFECT! I'm sitting in my office on a Monday morning, daydreaming about what that would be like...