- My People - The girls are out of school after Friday and it can't get here soon enough. I love when they're home and we can all enjoy relaxing mornings and lazy days. We're heading to see family and friends for the holidays and there's lots to do before now and then but I believe we'll have fun getting it done (and believing is half the battle). HA!
- Middle School Band Concerts - Ok. To be fair, chances are I would not "love" just any middle school band concert --but to be clear, I most definitely LOVE to see our flute and French horn players perform with their peers under the direction of their very talented music teacher. They'd hate for me to post pictures of them playing --but you can trust me that they are not only talented --they're super cute too!
- Getting my cards OUT - It almost didn't happen this year... I wasn't feeling super inspired and the thought of putting a bunch of effort into a photo session seemed overwhelming to all of us. We managed to put a silly little something together and there was absolutely zero prep needed. I'll share next time. The important point right now is that they're all addressed, stamped, and out of my house!
- The Practice of Medicine - Y'all... I acquired a little head cold over Thanksgiving: lots of congestion, low fever. It lasted a few days and then dropped into my chest. I developed a sore throat and cough. The cough kept me (and the Mister) up for a few days but then it went away and the cold moved back up to my head. I hadn't been feeling well at all --but not bad enough that I couldn't still do All. Of. The. Things. Friday rolled around and it was Greg's holiday work party. The night was freezing and wet. The party was fantastic. I mean, fan-tas-tic. I had a LOT of fun. All day Saturday I felt miserable --but chalked it up to all the Friday Fun I had (if you're picking up what I'm laying down). Anyhoo... Saturday night was nearly unbearable. I couldn't sleep at all because of the pain and pressure in my FACE. Ugh. Went to Urgent Care on Sunday afternoon, got diagnosed with a sinus infection, got on the meds (and the treatment plan), and now I'm felling so so so much better! Yay for doctors! Yay for medicine! Super Yay for sinus rinsing systems (for real)!
- Zabar's Cinnamon Babka - Some of our favorite friends brought this to us after their visit to New York. OMG. It's unreal. It's not a hyperbole when I say that this little loaf of loveliness is bursting with yummy! It's been over a year since we first enjoyed the treat and we were all so thrilled to have received another delivery this last week! I didn't know you could order this online and now that I know, it might become a problem.
- Brunch with friends - We enjoyed the most indulgent brunch with some of our best friends this weekend. The four of us + the five of them = a good time. Always. The festive atmosphere, amazing food, excellent wine, giggles, and shared love made it all the more delightful. Reach out to your loves, set a date, plan a gathering, spend some good time with one another. So good for the heart.
- Homemade treats - I usually try to put something together over the holidays for our friends. One ambitious year I embroidered jar tops and then filled the jars (with what, I don't even remember). I usually make many trays of Easy Toffee and package that up. Last year, I was gifted a jar of homemade rosemary olive oil by our babysitter-extraordinare. I loved it so much that as soon as I ran out, I asked her for the recipe and using the huge rosemary bush in our backyard, I whipped up another jar for myself (adding just a little garlic this time). I blogged about making it at the time and considered making a huge batch to gift this season. Guess what?? I got it done. Delivery will happen over the next few days. Check. Do you ever make gifts? What are your favorites to gift and to receive? Here are some great jars/vessels options if you choose to make some as gifts too: Similar 8oz. Vessel, Taller Style 8.5oz, Swing Top Lids.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Things I Love Thursday // 12.19.19
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